Monica, blog theme for Hugo

1 min. read

Hi everyone. For a long time I was thinking about my personal blog and static site generator Hugo immediatelly attracted me. After starting to create portfolio website, there came an idea to prepare it as a theme, so anyone can use it.

So here is it, Monica - blog theme for Hugo.

It’s build with no javascript framework and just with Milligram css ( small modification of it, for better responsivness ). On top of that, you can extend or create your own color themes with SCSS/SASS, you can change google fonts with desired pairings and enjoy few more features I’ve built for this blog.

Check the theme on Github

1. May 2020
Posted in Web

Software developer, lives in Zilina, Slovakia. Fan of modern web technologies, digitalization, cloud and education. Also co-owner of a local coffee brand - Kava Doppio